5th Dec '24 - Christmas Get-Together.
               A smashing evening of drinks, nibbles, 
               great conversation and a Quiz.
 7th Nov '24 - My VHF journey - Talk by Jon G4MCU
 3rd Oct '24 - Natter Nite.
 5th Sep '24 - Skype meeting instead of In-person meeting.
 1st Aug '24 - My Latest Project (Non-Radio)
               The Creature-Cam
               (Video & Demo) - Steve G0KVZ
 4th Jul '24 - Natter Nite
 6th Jun '24 - Microphones (Different types) - Peter G7JRK
 2nd May '24 - Your choice of Logbook - Steve G0KVZ
 4th Apr '24 - Natter Nite
 7th Mar '24 - 2024 Annual General Meeting. (55th)
 1st Feb '24 - Natter Nite
 4th Jan '24 - Natter Nite
 7th Dec '23 - Christmas Get-Together.
               A smashing evening of nibbles and quizzes.
 2nd Nov '23 - Natter Nite.
 5th Oct '23 - My EDC (Every Day Carry) Steve G0KVZ
               Presentation notes Here
 7th Sep '23 - Natter Nite.
 3rd Aug '23 - Natter Nite.
 6th Jul '23 - Natter Nite.
 1st Jun '23 - Natter Nite.
 4th May '23 - Natter Nite.
30th Mar' 23 - 2023 AGM. (54th)
Between November 2022 and March 2023 the club postponed 
regular meetings, and introduced semi-regular Club nets,
and Skype meetings.
 3rd Nov' 22 - Natter Nite.
20th Oct' 22 - Natter Nite.
 6th Oct' 22 - Natter Nite.
15th Sep' 22 - Natter Nite.
 1st Sep' 22 - Natter Nite.
18th Aug' 22 - Natter Nite.
 4th Aug' 22 - Natter Nite.
21st Jul' 22 - Natter Nite.
 7th Jul' 22 - Natter Nite.
16th Jun' 22 - Natter Nite.
 2nd Jun' 22 - Meeting Cancelled
               The Queens Platinum Jubilee. (B.H.)
19th May  22 - Network attached storage Demo - Steve G0KVZ
               Demonstration of a Linux powered NAS (Samba)
 5th May  22 - Natter Nite.
21st Apr' 22 - Natter Nite.
 7th Apr' 22 - 2022 AGM (53rd)
               Followed by Special Meeting.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic
Between March 2020 and March 2022 the club postponed 
regular meetings, and introduced semi-regular Club nets,
and Skype meetings.
26th Feb' 20 - Annual General Meeting (52nd)
               Followed by Technical Demonstration:
               "The DSO150 Oscilloscope" by Steve G0KVZ.
19th Feb' 20 - Talk.
12th Feb' 20 - DVD.
 5th Feb' 20 - Junk Sale.
29th Jan' 20 - Natter Nite.
22nd Jan' 20 - Talk.
15th Jan' 20 - DVD.
 8th Jan' 20 - Junk Sale.
 1st Jan' 20 - No Club Meeting.
25th Dec' 19 - No Club Meeting.
18th Dec' 19 - No Club Meeting.
11th Dec' 19 - Christmas Party.
 4th Dec' 19 - Junk Sale.
27th Nov' 19 - Natter Nite.
20th Nov' 19 - Talk.
13th Nov' 19 - DVD.
 6th Nov' 19 - Junk Sale.
23rd Oct' 19 - Natter Nite.
16th Oct' 19 - Talk/DVD.
 9th Oct' 19 - Visit by Dave Cutts M0TAZ. 
             - AOS Service Point of contact - Region 12
             - See News item HERE.
 2nd Oct' 19 - Junk Sale.
25th Sep' 19 - No Club Meeting.
18th Sep' 19 - Talk.
11th Sep' 19 - DVD.
 4th Sep' 19 - Junk Sale.
28th Aug' 19 - Natter Nite
21st Aug' 19 - Talk.
14th Aug' 19 - DVD.
 7th Aug' 19 - Junk Sale.
31st Jul' 19 - No record kept of details.
24th Jul' 19 - Natter Nite.
17th Jul' 19 - Talk.
10th Jul' 19 - DVD.
 3rd Jul' 19 - Junk Sale.
26th Jun' 19 - Natter Nite.
19th Jun' 19 - Talk.
12th Jun' 19 - DVD.
 5th Jun' 19 - Junk Sale.
29th May  19 - No record kept of details.
22nd May  19 - Natter Nite.
15th May  19 - Talk.
 8th May  19 - DVD.
 1st May  19 - Junk Sale.
24th Apr' 19 - Natter Nite.
17th Apr' 19 - Hot Cross Quiz - Steve G0KVZ.
10th Apr' 19 - General Discussion - TV Aerials & More.
 3rd Apr' 19 - Junk Sale.
27th Mar' 19 - Natter Nite.
20th Mar' 19 - Talk.
13th Mar' 19 - DVD.
 6th Mar' 19 - Junk Sale.
27th Feb' 19 - Annual General Meeting (51st)
20th Feb' 19 - Talk.
13th Feb' 19 - DVD.
 6th Feb' 19 - No Meeting.
30th Jan' 19 - No Meeting.
23rd Jan' 19 - Natter Nite.
16th Jan' 19 - Talk.
 9th Jan' 19 - DVD.
 2nd Jan' 19 - No Club Meeting.
26th Dec' 18 - No Club Meeting.
19th Dec' 18 - Christmas Buffet - Cancelled.
12th Dec' 18 - No record kept of details.
 5th Dec' 18 - Junk Sale.
26th Nov' 18 - Natter Nite.
21st Nov' 18 - Talk.
14th Nov' 18 - DVD.
 7th Nov' 18 - Junk Sale
31st Oct' 18 - No record kept of details.
24th Oct' 18 - Natter Nite.
17th Oct' 18 - Talk.
10th Oct' 18 - DVD.
 3rd Oct' 18 - Junk Sale.
26th Sep' 18 - No record kept of details.
21st Nov' 18 - Natter Nite.
19th Sep' 18 - Talk.
12th Sep' 18 - DVD.
 5th Sep' 18 - Junk Sale.
29th Aug' 18 - No record kept of details.
22nd Aug' 18 - Natter Nite.
15th Aug' 18 - Talk.
 8th Aug' 18 - S.K. Equipment sale.
 1st Aug' 18 - Junk Sale.
25th Jul' 18 - Natter Nite
18th Jul' 18 - Talk.
11th Jul' 18 - DVD.
 4th Jul' 18 - Junk Sale.
27th Jun' 18 - Natter Nite.
20th Jun' 18 - Talk.
13th Jun' 18 - DVD.
 6th Jun' 18 - Junk Sale.
30th May' 18 - Assistant RM Visit - Vic G6BHE.
23rd May' 18 - Natter Nite.
16th May' 18 - Talk.
 9th May' 18 - DVD.
 2nd May' 18 - Junk Sale.
25th Apr' 18 - Natter Nite.
18th Apr' 18 - Talk.
11th Apr' 18 - DVD.
 4th Apr' 18 - Junk Sale.
28th Mar' 18 - Natter Nite.
21st Mar' 18 - Talk.
14th Mar' 18 - DVD.
 7th Mar' 18 - Annual General Meeting (50th)
               Followed by Junk Sale.
28th Feb' 18 - Due to poor weather conditions,
               This meeting was canceled.
21st Feb' 18 - Talk.
14th Feb' 18 - DVD.
 7th Feb' 18 - Junk Sale.
31st Jan' 18 - Natter Nite.
24th Jan' 18 - Talk - Small Tesla coil kit by Steve G0KVZ.
               Talk Notes - Video - More YouTube videos
17th Jan' 18 - DVD.
10th Jan' 18 - Junk Sale.
 3rd Jan' 18 - No Club Meeting.
27th Dec' 17 - No Club Meeting.
20th Dec' 17 - No Club Meeting.
13th Dec' 17 - Club Christmas Party.
 6th Dec' 17 - Junk Sale.
29th Nov' 17 - No record kept of details.
15th Nov' 17 - Talk.
22nd Nov' 17 - Natter Nite.
15th Nov' 17 - Talk.
 8th Nov' 17 - DVD.
 1st Nov' 17 - Junk Sale.
25th Oct' 17 - Natter Nite.
18th Oct' 17 - RM Visit - Vic G6BHE & Keith G3WRO.
11th Oct' 17 - DVD.
 4th Oct' 17 - Junk Sale.
27th Sep' 17 - Natter Nite.
20th Sep' 17 - Talk.
13th Sep' 17 - DVD.
 6th Sep' 17 - Junk Sale.
30th Aug' 17.- No record kept of details.
23rd Aug' 17 - Natter Nite.
16th Aug' 17 - Talk.
 9th Aug' 17 - DVD.
 2nd Aug' 17 - Junk Sale.
26th Jul' 17 - Natter Nite.
19th Jul' 17 - Talk.
12th Jul' 17 - DVD.
 5th Jul' 17 - Junk Sale.
28th Jun' 17 - Natter Nite.
21st Jun' 17 - Talk.
14th Jun' 17 - DVD.
 7th Jun' 17 - Junk Sale.
31st May  17 - No record kept of details.
24th May  17 - Natter Nite.
17th May  17 - Talk - RF Signal generators and Frequency-
                      counters. Mike G4BQF.
10th May  17 - DVD, Secrets of Her Majesty's Secret Service
               - Peter G7JRK
 3rd May  17 - Junk Sale.
26th Apr' 17 - Natter Nite.
19th Apr' 17 - Hot Cross Quiz - Steve G0KVZ
               The Questions and Answers.
12th Apr' 17 - Visit by RSGB Area representative.
 5th Apr' 17 - Junk Sale.
29th Mar' 17 - Natter Nite.
22nd Mar' 17 - Natter Nite.
15th Mar' 17 - Talk.
 8th Mar' 17 - DVD.
 1st Mar' 17 - Junk Sale.
22nd Feb' 17 - Annual General Meeting (49th)
               Followed by Natter Nite.
15th Feb' 17 - Talk.
 8th Feb' 17 - DVD.
 1st Feb' 17 - Junk Sale.
25th Jan' 17 - Natter Nite.
18th Jan' 17 - Natter Nite.
11th Jan' 17 - Natter Nite.
 4th Jan' 17 - Junk sale.
               (Wednesday - And all future meetings)
29th Dec' 16 - No Club Meeting.
22nd Dec' 16 - No Club Meeting.
15th Dec' 16 - Christmas Buffet.
 8th Dec' 16 - No Club Meeting..
 1st Dec' 16 - Junk sale
17th Nov' 16 - Talk.
10th Nov' 16 - DVD - Building a Human. - Peter G7JRK
 3rd Nov' 16 - Junk sale.
27th Oct' 16 - Natter Nite.
20th Oct' 16 - Natter Nite
13th Oct' 16 - Talk - ATU's by Chris G8LVK
               Chris kindly bought along a fine collection
               of ATU's and baluns etc, and gave a very 
               informative talk about the impedance -
               matching properties of Tuning Units.
               Photographs HERE
 6th Oct' 16 - Junk sale.
29th Sep' 16 - Talk - EMC and chargers (demo) Mike G4BQF
22nd Sep' 16 - Natter Nite.
15th Sep' 16 - Natter Nite.
 8th Sep' 16 - Natter Nite.
 1st Sep' 16 - Junk sale.
25th Aug' 16 - Natter nite.
18th Aug' 16 - Talk.
11th Aug' 16 - DVD.
 4th Aug' 16 - Junk sale.
28th Jul' 16 - General Natter, followed by:
               Talk - Win10 Tips & Tricks - Steve G0KVZ
               Changing Security settings.
               Upgrading Guide (Microsoft).
               Exploring Windows 10 (Microsoft).
21st Jul' 16 - Natter Nite.
14th Jul' 16 - DVD - Peter G7JRK.
             - Gotthard Base Tunnel.
 7th Jul' 16 - No Club Meeting this week.
30th Jun' 16 - Early Junk sale.
23rd Jun' 16 - Natter nite.
16th Jun' 16 - Natter Nite.
 9th Jun' 16 - DVD - Peter G7JRK
             - Weather Pt1
 2nd Jun' 16 - Junk sale.
26th May  16 - Natter nite.
19th May  16 - Talk.
12th May  16 - DVD - Peter G7JRK.
             - How long is a piece of string. (Horizon)
 5th May  16 - Junk sale.
28th Apr' 16 - Natter nite.
21st Apr' 16 - Talk - The Pixie2 Tranceiver - Steve G0KVZ.
               Read about it HERE.
14th Apr' 16 - DVD - Peter G7JRK - Project Greenglow.
               (Gravity control)
 7th Apr' 16 - Junk Sale.
31st Mar' 16 - Talk - Mike G4BQF.
             - Heavy Duty battery testing - Part 2.
24th Mar' 16 - The Hot Cross Quiz - Steve G0KVZ.
               This year - A musical theme: Film & TV
               The Questions and Answers.
17th Mar' 16 - Talk - Mike G4BQF.
             - Heavy Duty battery testing - Part 1.
10th Mar' 16 - DVD - Peter G7JRK - The Titanic.
 3rd Mar' 16 - Annual General Meeting (48th)
25th Feb' 16 - Natter Nite.
18th Feb' 16 - Talk.
11th Feb' 16 - DVD.
 4th Feb' 16 - Junk Sale.
28th Jan' 16 - Natter Nite.
21st Jan' 16 - Talk - The Raspberry Pi (Zero) Computer.
               Steve G0KVZ. Notes HERE.
               * The Raspberian operating system.
               * Using as a Media centre.
               * Radio Projects.
               * Experimentation.
14th Jan' 16 - Natter Nite.
 7th Jan' 16 - Junk Sale.
31st Dec' 15 - No Meeting.
24th Dec' 15 - No Meeting.
17th Dec' 15 - Christmas Buffet.
               Quiz Questions and Answers.
10th Dec' 15 - DVD - The Forth Road Bridge. Peter G7JRK.
 3rd Dec' 15 - Junk Sale.
26th Nov' 15 - Natter Nite.
19th Nov' 15 - Talk.
12th Nov' 15 - Natter Nite.
 5th Nov' 15 - Junk Sale.
29th Oct' 15 - Talk - SDR, by Chris. G8LVK.
22nd Oct' 15 - Natter Nite.
15th Oct' 15 - Natter Nite.
 8th Oct' 15 - DVD - TBC.
 1st Oct' 15 - Junk Sale.
24th Sep' 15 - Barry G7KCO
               1 How to study ionospheric disturbances.
               2 New security issues when using AVG.
               3 Lunar eclipse 28th Sept @ 03:40
17th Sep' 15 - Natter Nite.
10th Sep' 15 - DVD - The Ordinance Survey Map 
               Peter G7JRK
 3rd Sep' 15 - Junk Sale.
27th Aug' 15 - Natter Nite.
20th Aug' 15 - Natter Nite.
13th Aug' 15 - DVD - TBC
 6th Aug' 15 - Junk Sale
30th Jul' 15 - Natter Nite.
23rd Jul' 15 - Radio operating evening HF/VHF
               Barry G7KCO bought along some fine gear.
16th Jul' 15 - Natter Nite.
 9th Jul' 15 - DVD - TBC
 2nd Jul' 15 - Junk Sale.
25th Jun' 15 - Natter Nite.
18th Jun' 15 - Natter Nite
11th Jun' 15 - DVD - TBC
 4th Jun' 15 - Junk Sale.
28th May '15 - Natter Nite.
21st May '15 - Talk - TBC
14th May '15 - DVD - TBC
 7th May '15 - Junk Sale
30th Apr' 15 - Natter Nite
23rd Apr' 15 - Talk: MOOC - Steve G0KVZ
16th Apr' 15 - DVD - Horizon, Star on Earth, Peter G7JRK
 9th Apr' 15 - Hot Cross Quiz - Steve G0KVZ
               The Questions and Answers.
 2nd Apr' 15 - Junk Sale
26th Mar' 15 - Natter Nite
19th Mar' 15 - Talk - TBC
12th Mar' 15 - DVD - St Paul's Cathedral. Peter G7JRK
 5th Mar' 15 - Junk Sale
26th Feb' 15 - Annual General Meeting (47th)
19th Feb' 15 - Talk - Linux revisited - G0KVZ
               Steve bought along laptops, and 
               demonstrated, Puppy, PCLinuxOS and Chirp
               Chirp Live CD for programming HH Radios
12th Feb' 15 - DVD - Secret Service. Peter G7JRK
 5th Feb' 15 - Junk Sale
29th Jan' 15 - Natter Nite
22nd Jan' 15 - Natter Nite.
15th Jan' 15 - DVD - Forbidden History - Nicola Tesla.
               Peter, G7JRK
 8th Jan' 15 - Junk Sale.
 1st Jan' 15 - No Meeting
25th Dec' 14 - No Meeting. (Happy Christmas)
18th Dec' 14 - Christmas Buffet.
11th Dec' 14 - NO MEETING.
 4th Dec' 14 - Junk Sale
27th Nov' 14 - Show & Tell: John G3ZJZ
               The Drive Unit Mechanical Type 1
               Model 10AR/201
20th Nov' 14 - DVD - Bubble Science - Peter G7JRK
13th Nov' 14 - Natter Nite
 6th Nov' 14 - Junk Sale
30th Oct' 14 - Natter Nite
23rd Oct' 14 - Round Table - Photography
16th Oct' 14 - Natter Nite.
 9th Oct' 14 - Natter Nite.
 2nd Oct' 14 - 2 Metre operating evening.
               (Members bought their HT's)
25th Sep' 14 - Natter Nite
18th Sep' 14 - Talk - Toroidal transformers
               Demo, Talk, and Videos.
			   Steve G0KVZ
11th Sep' 14 - DVD - TBC
 4th Sep' 14 - Junk Sale
28th Aug' 14 - Natter Nite
21st Aug' 14 - Talk - TBC
14th Aug' 14 - DVD - TBC
 7th Aug' 14 - Junk Sale
31st Jul' 14 - Magnetic loop Aerial discussion and 
               Example home brew item - Barry G7KCO
24th Jul' 14 - Natter Nite
17th Jul' 14 - JOTA / JOTI Event Discussion  Mike G0KOT
10th Jul' 14 - DVD - Steve G0KVZ - New Hidden killers -
               (The Edwardian Home.)
 3rd Jul' 14 - Junk Sale
26th Jun' 14 - No Meeting
19th Jun' 14 - Natter Nite.
12th Jun' 14 - Visit by Roland Taylor, M0BDB
               The Deputy Regional Manager (123)
               Followed by DVD - "Do we need -
               the Moon" presented by Peter
 5th Jun' 14 - No Meeting
29th May  14 - Early Junk Sale.
22nd May  14 - Natter Nite.
15th May  14 - Natter Nite.
 8th May  14 - DVD - Peter G7JRK
               How cities work - Water works
 1st May  14 - Junk Sale
24th Apr' 14 - Hot Cross Quiz - Steve G0KVZ
               The Questions and Answers.
17th Apr' 14 - DVD - Peter G7JRK
               How cities work - Power games
10th Apr' 14 - Barry G7KCO - Transformers.
               Identification and Testing.
 3rd Apr' 14 - Junk Sale
27th Mar' 14 - Natter Nite
20th Mar' 14 - Talk - TBC
13th Mar' 14 - DVD - TBC
 6th Mar' 14 - Annual General Meeting (46th)
27th Feb' 14 - To be confirmed
20th Feb' 14 - Talk - Club website and chat.
13th Feb' 14 - DVD - TBC
 6th Feb' 14 - Junk Sale
30th Jan' 14 - Natter Nite
23rd Jan' 14 - Natter Nite
16th Jan' 14 - DVD - Steve G0KVZ - New Hidden killers -
               (The Victorian Home.)
 9th Jan' 14 - Junk Sale
 2nd Jan' 14 - No Meeting
26th Dec' 13 - No Meeting
19th Dec' 13 - Christmas Buffet.
12th Dec' 13 - DVD - TBC
 5th Dec' 13 - Junk Sale
28th Nov' 13 - Natter Nite
21st Nov' 13 - Talk
14th Nov' 13 - DVD - Peter G7JRK
               Mechanical Marvels 
               - Clockwork Dreams.
 7th Nov' 13 - Junk Sale
31st Oct' 13 - Natter Nite
24th Oct' 13 - Talk - Mike G4BQF - Batteries and Chargers. 
17th Oct' 13 - Natter Nite
10th Oct' 13 - Natter Nite
 3rd Oct' 13 - Junk Sale
26th Sep' 13 - Natter Nite
19th Sep' 13 - Natter Nite
12th Sep' 13 - DVD - Barry G7KCO
               The VOX AC30 Amplifier - Talk and Video.
 5th Sep' 13 - Junk Sale
29th Aug' 13 - Natter Nite
22nd Aug' 13 - No Meeting
15th Aug' 13 - Talk - TBC
 8th Aug' 13 - DVD - Peter G7JRK - Operation Crossbow
 1st Aug' 13 - Junk Sale
25th Jul' 13 - Natter Nite
18th Jul' 13 - Natter Nite
11th Jul' 13 - DVD - Peter G7JRK - Precision:
               The Measure of All Things
 4th Jul' 13 - Junk Sale
27th Jun' 13 - No Meeting
20th Jun' 13 - DVD
13th Jun' 13 - Junk Sale
 6th Jun' 13 - No Meeting
30th May  13 - Natter Nite
23rd May  13 - Talk - Ajax A25 Mike G4BQF
               Photographs HERE.
16th May  13 - Natter Nite
 9th May  13 - DVD - TBC 
 2nd May  13 - Junk Sale
25th Apr' 13 - Natter Nite
18th Apr' 13 - Talk - Mike G4BQF
11th Apr' 13 - DVD - Peter G7JRK - The APT
               The Advanced Passenger Train.
 4th Apr' 13 - Junk Sale
28th Mar' 13 - Steve G0KVZ - The Hot Cross Quiz
               The Questions and Answers.
21st Mar' 13 - Talk - Mike G4BQF (TBC)
14th Mar' 13 - DVD - Terminus Peter G7JRK
 7th Mar' 13 - Junk Sale
28th Feb' 13 - Annual General Meeting (45th)
21st Feb' 13 - Natter Nite
14th Feb' 13 - DVD - TBC
 7th Feb' 13 - Junk Sale
31st Jan' 13 - PC Audio - Mike G4BQF
24th Jan' 13 - Time Lapse video techniques.
               Steve G0KVZ
17th Jan' 13 - DVD - Shock and Awe Part 2 - Peter G7JRK
10th Jan' 13 - Natter Nite
 3rd Jan' 13 - No Club meeting
27th Dec' 12 - No Club Meeting
20th Dec' 12 - VARS Christmas Buffet
               be there or be square.
13th Dec' 12 - DVD - Horizon, What is Reality.
 6th Dec' 12 - Junk Sale
29th Nov' 12 - Natter nite
22nd Nov' 12 - Natter nite
15th Nov' 12 - Talk - TBC
 8th Nov' 12 - DVD.
 1st Nov' 12 - Junk Sale
25th Oct' 12 - Clamp Ammeters - UNI-T (UT203)
               (A clamp meter at < £30)
               Mike G4BQF
18th Oct' 12 - Lochness Video
               Barry G7KCO
11th Oct' 12 - SDR Demonstration - using the
               HDSDA Software, the SDR-4+
               SDR receiver, and the 
               Creative E-MU external soundcard
               Alan G0RTH
 4th Oct' 12 - Junk Sale
27th Sep' 12 - Natter nite
20th Sep' 12 - Minimitter repair - Mike G3BQF
13th Sep' 12 - DVD & Introduction - Peter G7JRK
                Victorinox Swiss Army Knives.
 6th Sep' 12 - Junk Sale
30th Aug' 12 - Summer B.B.Q. - Steve G0KVZ
23rd Aug' 12 - Talk/s
               1. Steve G0KVZ - A review of the Kindle.
               2. Peter G7JRK - Repair of a Heath IM104.
16th Aug' 12 - Natter Nite
 9th Aug' 12 - DVD - Bert, Engineering Giants.
               Decommissioning and Dismantling
               a North sea Gas platform.
 2nd Aug' 12 - Junk Sale
26th Jul' 12 - DVD - Steve G0KVZ
               The Antikythera mechanism. Further info.
19th Jul' 12 - Talk - Mike G4BQF
               Solar charger control modules
               in a marine installation.
12th Jul' 12 - Talk - Mike G4BQF - SDR Radio
 5th Jul' 12 - Junk Sale
28th Jun' 12 - Barry G7KCO - SDR Radio
               An informative talk & demo of an SDR 
               receiver that was originally produced to 
               receive terrestrial DVB signals that is 
               also capable of decoding satellites, AND
               amateur radio too.
21st Jun' 12 - Talk - Dxpedition to T32C 
               (Kiritimati - Christmas Island)
               by Fred Curtis, G3SVK
14th Jun' 12 - DVD - Steve G0KVZ - Historic Southend.
 7th Jun' 12 - Junk Sale.
31st May  12 - Natter nite.
24th May  12 - Mike G4EPU - SDR Radio
               A very interesting talk and display of a
               SoftRock RXTX-V6.2 - 2 Band SDR Tranceiver.
               More info HERE
17th May  12 - No Club meeting
10th May  12 - DVD - Steve G0KVZ - The Secret Listeners
               (E.A. Film Archive)
 3rd May  12 - Junk Sale
26th Apr' 12 - No club meeting.
19th Apr' 12 - Talk - Canvey (Model) Railway II
               by Terry Isherwood
               A talk - Construction, Safety,
               & testing of these super models.
               Photographs HERE
12th Apr' 12 - DVD - Bert 
               Rolls Royce Trent Aero engines.
 5th Apr' 12 - Junk Sale
29th Mar' 12 - Hot Cross Quiz - Steve G0KVZ
               Photographs HERE.
               The Questions and Answers.
22nd Mar' 12 - Natter Nite.
15th Mar' 12 - Natter Nite.
 8th Mar' 12 - DVD - Horizon, Sunspots
 1st Mar' 12 - Junk Sale
23rd Feb' 12 - Annual General Meeting (44th)
16th Feb' 12 - Talk - TBC
 9th Feb' 12 - DVD - Bert, A380 wing const'.
 2nd Feb' 12 - Junk Sale
26th Jan' 12 - Natter nite
19th Jan' 12 - Mike G4BQF - Talk SDR 
12th Jan' 12 - Bert - Thames DVD
 5th Jan' 12 - Junk Sale
29th Dec' 11 - No club meeting
22nd Dec' 11 - No club meeting
15th Dec' 11 - VARS Christmas Buffet 
               A brilliant spread, followed by
               a great quiz, Photographs HERE
 8th Dec' 11 - No club meeting 
 1st Dec' 11 - Junk Sale
24th Nov' 11 - Barry G7KCO Introduced:
               Terry Isherwood - Canvey railway
               A talk, accompanied by videos on
17th Nov' 11 - Bert - What is Fracking.
10th Nov' 11 - A visit from Norman Crampton.
               M0FZW, the Essex DRM of the RSGB
 3rd Nov' 11 - Junk Sale.
27th Oct' 11 - Peter G7JRK - Video - The speed of light.
20th Oct' 11 - Natter Nite.
13th Oct' 11 - Natter Nite.
 6th Oct' 11 - Junk Sale.
29th Sep' 11 - Natter Nite.
22nd Sep' 11 - Natter Nite & Technical book giveaway.
15th Sep' 11 - Natter Nite & Technical book giveaway.
 8th Sep' 11 - Natter Nite,
 1st Sep' 11 - Junk Sale,
25th Aug' 11 - Steve G0KVZ - Mini Video Camera 
               Review and demo.
               Further information HERE.
18th Aug' 11 - Steve G0KVZ - STS135 Video
               As downloaded from NASA-TV
11th Aug' 11 - Mike G4BQF - Signal generators &
               freq counter - Talk & Demo.
               TF893A, FT101EE, TF144H/4S &
               Sinclair frequency counter.
 4th Aug' 11 - Junk Sale
28th Jul' 11 - Natter nite
21st Jul' 11 - Natter nite
14th Jul' 11 - No Club Meeting
 7th Jul' 11 - Junk Sale
30th Jun' 11 - Barry G7KCO - Demonstration and discussion
               about Directional microphones - Including 
               the shotgun' (cancellation) design
               & parabolic types.
23rd Jun' 11 - Mike G4BQF - Drake R4C Receiver
               A PSU repair project. Photograph HERE.
16th Jun' 11 - No Club Meeting
 9th Jun' 11.
 2nd Jun' 11 - Junk Sale
26th May  11 - Peter G7JRK - DVD, Scottish lighthouses.
19th May  11 - Mike G4BQF - Solar cells.
               A discussion about solar cells.
12th May  11 - Steve G0KVZ - The ECU
               The engine control (management) 
               system, as fitted to modern cars
               Further information HERE.
 5th May  11 - Junk Sale
28th Apr' 11 - Pt 1 - Mike G4BQF.
               Battery tests, recovery, and replacement in
               a marine band hand-held tranceiver,
               Pt 2 - Jack G0SIV.
               Bring and tell about a U.S. built Naval 
               transmitter CWS-52245, that has been 
               neglected, and will need hours of attention
               to return to it's former glory. 
21st Apr' 11 - Steve G0KVZ - The Hot X Quiz.
               Photographs HERE.
               The Questions and Answers.
14th Apr' 11 - Steve G0KVZ - 50th Aniversary of the first
               orbit of the earth by the Russian Cosmonaut
               Yuri Gagarin. Short videos, and an intro to
               "The first Orbit" Further information HERE.
 7th Apr' 11 - Junk Sale
31st Mar' 11 - Mike G4BQF - Rx measurement
24th Mar' 11 - Mike G4BQF - Test equipment on a budget. 
               Mike bought along three classic pieces of 
               test equipment:
               A Levell TG200DMP
               A Marconi RF Power Meter TF1020A
               A Marconi AF Power Meter TF893A
               And gave a presentation with contributions
               from the members.
17th Mar' 11 - Mike G4BQF - VC221 Freq' counter
10th Mar' 11 - John G4XTS - Sky-Eye Talk
               A talk and demo of a lightweight 8gm multi-
               function camera, that may be fitted to 
               model aircraft to take aerial photographs.
 3rd Mar' 11 - Junk Sale
24th Feb' 11 - Annual General Meeting (43rd)
17th Feb' 11 - Bert, DVD - Rio-Antirion bridge 
               in Western mainland Greece.
               Short video HERE.
10th Feb' 11 - Steve G0KVZ - DVD What's reality
 3rd Feb' 11 - Junk Sale
27th Jan' 11 - Mike G4BQF - 24v High current PSU.
20th Jan' 11 - Natter Nite.
13th Jan' 11 - Mike G4BQF - Variac talk
 6th Jan' 11 - Junk Sale.
30th Dec' 10 - No Club Meeting.
23rd Dec' 10 - No Club Meeting.
16th Dec' 10 - Christmas Buffet.
 9th Dec' 10 - Peter G7JRK - Switzerland revisited.
 2nd Dec' 10 - Due to poor weather conditions,
               This weeks meeting was cancelled
               (Next Junk sale 6th Jan 2011)
25th Nov' 10 - Natter Nite.
18th Nov' 10 - Steve G0KVZ Test equipment via software.
               Oscilloscope, Signal Generator, Spectrum 
               analyser & Freq counter
               More information HERE.
11th Nov' 10 - Bert - DVD, Explosions
 4th Nov' 10 - Junk Sale.
28th Oct' 10 - Mike G4BQF - Frequency counters.
               Members were invited to bring theirs along.
21st Oct' 10 - Natter nite 
               Chromakey to cartidges (printer)
14th Oct' 10 - Bert - ISS Update
 7th Oct' 10 - Junk Sale
30th Sep' 10 - Mike G4BQF - the AJAX Marine -
               transmitter revisited.
               + Quartz crystals.
23rd Sep' 10 - Mike G4BQF - Recycling an old 
               Yaesu FTdx401 transmitter.
16th Sep' 10 - Bert - Two Videos
               The Zim New York - a journey.
               Garbage disposal in the USA.
 9th Sep' 10 - Natter Nite.
 2nd Sep' 10 - Junk Sale.
26th Aug' 10 - Mike G4BQF - Mikes workshop
               Troubleshooting and repair of a 
               oscilloscope. (Cossor 1039M)
19th Aug' 10 - Mike G4BQF - Valve tester.
               Working instructions.
12th Aug' 10 - Steve G0KVZ - Hidden worlds DVD,
               Part 3 - "Off the Scale"
               Originally screened on BBC1 during May '10.
 5th Aug' 10 - Junk Sale.
29th Jul' 10 - Natter Nite.
22nd Jul' 10 - Steve G0KVZ - Hidden worlds DVD,
               Part 2 - "Out of sight"
               Originally screened on BBC1 during May '10.
15th Jul' 10 - Steve G0KVZ - Hidden worlds DVD,
               Part 1 - "Speed Limits"
               Originally screened on BBC1
               during May 2010.
 8th Jul' 10 - NO CLUB MEETING.
 1st Jul' 10 - Junk Sale.
24th Jun' 10 - 24th Jun' - Mike G4BQF Racal LF
               Convertor for RA17 - RA137A.
17th Jun' 10 - Mike G4BQF - Racal SWR meter 
               RA152 & Bert Solar Panel demo.
 8th Jul' 10 - No Meeting.
10th Jun' 10 - Steve G0KVZ - The Emma Maersk
               More information HERE.
 3rd Jun' 10 - Junk Sale.
27th May  10 - Mick G4EPU - The 19 Set, Talk and display 
               of this robust exWD transceiver.
20th May  10 - Mike G4BQF - Ajax Marine TX
               A locally built superbly built transceiver.
13th May  10 - Mike G4BQF - Collins 390UUR 
               A beautifully made ExWD Receiver
 6th May  10 - Natter nite.
29th Apr' 10 - Cossor 1039M Oscilloscope Test, 
               Demo & Talk. 
               Mike G4BQF & Steve G0KVZ
22nd Apr' 10 - Steve G0KVZ, Puppy Linux demo.
               Download it HERE.
15th Apr' 10 - Jack G0SIV, Valve tester.
 8th Apr' 10 - Steve G0KVZ, Hot Cross Quiz.
 1st Apr' 10 - Junk Sale.
25th Mar' 10 - Natter Nite.
18th Mar' 10 - Natter Nite.
11th Mar' 10 - Mike G4BQF - Browsers & Amateur
               radio software.
 4th Mar' 10 - Junk Sale.
25th Feb' 10 - Annual General Meeting (42nd)
18th Feb' 10 - Steve, G0KVZ - Social networking, websites,
               and the Twitter facility on the club site.
               More info HERE.
11th Feb' 10 - Mike G4BQF - DVD - Valve manufacturing.
 4th Feb' 10 - Junk Sale.
28th Jan' 10 - Peter G7JRK - DVD
               The Jungfrau railway: Bernese overland Pt 2
21st Jan' 10 - Natter Nite.
14th Jan' 10 - Natter Nite.
 7th Jan' 10 - Due to poor weather conditions,
               This weeks meeting was canceled
               (Next Junk sale planned for Feb)
31st Dec' 09 - New years eve' - No meeting.
               Happy new year
24th Dec' 09 - Christmas eve' - No meeting.
               Happy Christmas
17th Dec' 09 - VARS Christmas Buffet 
               - Not to be missed
10th Dec' 09 - John, G4XTS.
 3rd Dec' 09 - Junk Sale.
26th Nov' 09 - Steve, G0KVZ - Tomorrows world.
               More info HERE.
19th Nov' 09 - Mike, G4BQF - Miscellaneous 
               Computer Q&A
               followed by general discussion.
12th Nov' 09 - Barry, G7KCO - Labjack demo'
               For more info, see HERE.
 5th Nov' 09 - Junk Sale.
29th Oct' 09 - General natter nite 
               PC's to Pic chips, and more.
22nd Oct' 09 - Peter G7JRK - DVD
               The Jungfrau railway: Bernese overland Pt 1
15th Oct' 09 - Mike G4BQF Sweep generator 
               Demo & discussion.
               For a brilliant software sweep
               generator, take a look at THIS.
 8th Oct' 09 - Bert, Hydroelectric power.
               A Massive hydroelectric dam project in -
               China. DVD
 1st Oct' 09 - Junk Sale.
24th Sep' 09 - Mike G4BQF - Mikes latest PC, 
               Pt 2 - Updates etc.
               Followed by a general chat.
17th Sep' 09 - Mikes latest acquisition - G4BQF
               Having now upgraded his PC, Mike
               bought along his machine, and
               held a general Q&A Session.
10th Sep' 09 - Bert - The ISS. A video showing the five 
               developmental steps that were crucial in
               the progress toward the International
               Space Station (ISS)
 3rd Sep' 09 - Junk Sale.
27th Aug' 09 - General Technical discussion.
20th Aug' 09 - General Technical discussion.
13th Aug' 09 - Mike G4BQF - A Greek trip.
               Photographs and a talk about his recent -
               trip to Kefallonia & around the Ionian sea.
  6th Aug' 09 - Junk Sale.
30th Jul' 09 - Steve G0KVZ - Presentation
               Transformer Manufacturing
23rd Jul' 09 - Bert and George G8CUN
               Introduction to the ESA.
               'Herschel' AND 'Planck'
               A talk and DVD about these amazing new 
               satellites which are expected to produce 
               more amazing images than Hubble.
16th Jul' 09 - Steve G0KVZ - 60th Aniversary of
               BATC  - Introduction & Video
               Further details www.batc.org.uk
               More videos www.batc.tv
 9th Jul' 09 - No Club meeting.
 2nd Jul' 09 - Junk Sale.
25th Jun' 09 - Mike G4BQF, More on the RA17.
               A presentation showing the Wadley loop that
               is employed in this receiver to achieve
               remarkable stability.
               The RA17 was the 1st to use this technique.
               Invented by Dr Trevor Wadley
               (South African, 1920 - 1981)
18th Jun' 09 - Mike G4BQF, RA17 and adaptors.
               Demonstration of this extremely versatile 
               piece of gear. 
               Along with an RA121
11th Jun' 09 - Mike G4BQF, Wobbulator. 
               Bring along your components and filters, 
               for a practical demo' and check the items 
 4th Jun' 09 - Junk Sale.
28th May  09 - Barry. G7KCO, Demonstration of some 
               professional software that not only 
               displays X-Ray images, but allows the user 
               to manipulate the views.
21st May  09 - Bert, DVD, Earthquakes, showing how the 
               location, but not the time of an earthquake
               can be predicted with great accuracy.
14th May  09 - Natter nite.
 7th May  09 - Junk Sale.
30th Apr' 09 - Colin G1MPG - 17th Edition DVD 
               A very clear and concise guide. 
23rd Apr' 09 - Noise reduction, Mike G0KOT
               An insight into the origins of Noise 
               cancelling headphones, with some unexpected
16th Apr' 09 - The Hot Cross Quiz. Steve G0KVZ
               Hot Chocolate, Hot Crossed Buns
               And an Easter themed quiz.
 9th Apr' 09 - Video, History of Fords at Dagenham. Bert.
 2nd Apr' 09 - Junk Sale
26th Mar' 09 - Programme planning evening.
19th Mar' 09 - Mike, G4BQF, Re-building a PC #3
               Mikes PC, Now rebuilt, and with more memory
               installed. The story continues...
12th Mar' 09 - Mike, G4BQF, Re-building a PC #2
               Mikes PC, Now rebuilt, but would now 
               benefit from more memory. To be continued..
 5th Mar' 09 - Junk Sale
26th Feb' 09 - A.G.M.
19th Feb' 09 - Mike, G4BQF, Re-building a PC #1
               A discussion about Mikes new PC, resulting 
               in the decision to perform a complete 
12th Feb' 09 - No Meeting due to Poor Weather.
 5th Feb' 09 - Junk Sale
29th Jan' 09 - Jim G1YAH - DVD  
               American Aircraft Carrier.
22nd Jan' 09 - Steve G0KVZ, A review of the Latest 
               operating system from Microsoft - Windows 7
               Review HERE.
15th Jan' 09 - Mike G4BQF, Eddystone Receivers.
               A vintage model 358x receiver, a 1940's 4 -
               band radio, covering 1.25 to 22 Mhz, which 
               weighs in at 55lb.
               And as a contrast, a newer 840c radio, 
               covering 0.5 to 30 Mhz. 
 8th Jan' 09 - General Natter Nite.
               Computer memory to TV Tricks.
 1st Jan' 09 - New years day - No club meeting.
               Happy new year.
25th Dec' 08 - Christmas day - No Club Meeting.
               Happy Christmas.
18th Dec' 08 - VARS Christmas Buffet 
               A brilliant spread, followed by
               a great quiz, and a raffle.
               Photographs HERE.
11th Dec' 08 - Jim G1YAH - DVD (Pathé/Flight?)
 4th Dec' 08 - Junk Sale
27th Nov' 08 - George G8CUN - Video
               Britain at war in colour Pt2
20th Nov' 08 - Mike G4BQF & George G8CUN
               The Rebecca-Eureka WW2 Beacon.
               Developed to locate military targets, but 
               adopted for many other uses. Talk & Show.
13th Nov' 08 - George G8CUN - Video
               Britain at war in colour Pt1.
 6th Nov' 08 - Junk Sale
30th Oct' 08 - Steve G0KVZ - Unusual Signals,
               Part 2 - Numbers Stations.
23rd Oct' 08 - Bert, Weather Stations.
               An overview of a range of home
               weather stations.
16th Oct' 08 - Mike G4BQF - Mullard valve
               Shockwave video.
               Currently manufactured at
 9th Oct' 08 - Steve G0KVZ.
               Pt 1 - Arthur C Clarke,
               British science fiction author,
               inventor, and futurist.
               As broadcast on R4 in 2005
               BBC Webpage.
               Realmedia audio.
               Pt 2 - Sputnik's children.
               A Sky at night BBC4 Special.
               Realmedia video.
 2nd Oct' 08 - Junk Sale
25th Sep' 08 - Jim G1YAH - Horchurch airfield
               A very interesting DVD of local history.
18th Sep' 08 - Bert, Video, The Buccaneer B103.
11th Sep' 08 - Mike G4BQF - Using a Collins -
               399UR Receiver
 4th Sep' 08 - Junk Sale
28th Aug' 08 - Natter nite (Main Church bldg)
21st Aug' 08 - Steve G0KVZ Unusual signals.
               Pt 1 - Man made oddities.
               Members are invited to bring along any 
               recordings of interesting radio signals
14th Aug' 08 - Natter nite, A mention of the UKQRM Yahoo -
               Group and much more
 7th Aug' 08 - Junk Sale
31st Jul' 08 - Bert - Project Red-Sand. 
               Talk and Video.
24th Jul' 08 - Ernie, 
               The anecdotes of an Air-Traffic Controller.
               An amusing recording of an after dinner 
17th Jul' 08 - Mike G4BQF, Measurements of filters 
               - using a wobbulator.
               Photographs HERE.
10th Jul' 08 - No Club Meeting
 3rd Jul' 08 - Junk Sale
26th Jun' 08 - Early Marine radios. Robin G3JWI
               (Marine radio before satellites)
               Including Spark gap transmitters
               & Operating the Hammarlund SP600
19th Jun' 08 - Hammarlund SP600 Receiver, Mike, G4BQF
12th Jun' 08 - The DC3 Dakota, A talk by Bert.
               This old workhorse that aided the war 
               effort in so many ways, is soon to stop 
               commercial use.
 5th Jun' 08 - Junk Sale
29th May  08 - General Natter Nite,
               Alternative energy & more. (Wind and water)
22nd May  08 - George G8CUN - DVD
               The development of the Mosquito.
15th May  08 - Barry G7KCO - Presentation
               The Antithykera Mechanism.
 8th May  08 - Mike G4BQF - Valve testing.
               (Gain and characteristics)
 1st May  08 - Junk Sale
24th Apr' 08 - Peter G7JRK - Video
               The Glacier Express Railway,
               Covers 170 Miles of Switzerland, traverses 
               291 bridges & crosses 91 tunnels as it 
               connects St Moritz to Zermatt. 
17th Apr' 08 - George G8CUN, Development of TV
               A video showing the 2 competing
               television systems - Baird/EMI.
10th Apr' 08 - Jim G1YAH - 17th Edition, BS7671
               Changes & additions Film & talk.
               Info HERE
 3rd Apr' 08 - Junk Sale
27th Mar' 08 - Mike G4BQF - Radio direction 
               finding. techniques and tales.
20th Mar' 08 - Bert - Alternative Energy.
13th Mar' 08 - Roy G3ASH - Weather Satellite 
               Reception. Photographs HERE
 6th Mar' 08 - Junk Sale
28th Feb' 08 - A.G.M.
21st Feb' 08 - Robin G3JWI - Switched mode PSU
               An insight into filtering in these power 
               supplies. & demo of test equipment to 
               detect rf interference from them.
14th Feb' 08 - Steve G0KVZ - Ingenious Test equipment.
               A discussion about a special purpose test 
               rig and a combined Signal injector & tracer
 7th Feb' 08 - Junk Sale
31st Jan' 08 - Mike G4BQF - Oscilloscopes.
               A demo and discussion.
24th Jan' 08 - Mike G4BQF - Interesting equipment.
               Members bought along and talked
               about their unusual equipment.
17th Jan' 08 - General natter nite
10th Jan' 08 - Video - Bert, The Avro Vulcan.
 3rd Jan' 08 - Junk Sale
27th Dec' 07 - No Club meeting
20th Dec' 07 - No club meeting
13th Dec' 07 - Christmas Buffet
               A brilliant spread, followed by great 
               quizzes, and then some fun racing.
               Photographs HERE
 6th Dec' 07 - Junk Sale
29th Nov' 07 - General Natter Night
               Unimogs to motorcycles.
22nd Nov' 07 - Jack G0SIV - Solar Heating
               A Discussion by Jack detailing the design 
               and construction of his Home-Brew Solar 
15th Nov' 07 - Mike G4BQF - Vintage radio,
               talk & demo.
               Click HERE For More.
 8th Nov' 07 - Steve G0KVZ - The history of Satellites.
               See HERE for more.
 1st Nov' 07 - Junk Sale
25th Oct' 07 - Bert - Video The 'Troll'
               The construction, positioning, and 
               commissioning of the Troll - the largest 
               Fixed Gas platform in 1996 
               (Now the 4th tallest)
               Photograph HERE
18th Oct' 07 - Barry G7KCO - Digital imaging
               An informative talk covering Methods of 
               converting x-ray images onto digital 
               cameras, covering Resolution, Bit depth, 
               Binning, Well depth, Blooming,
               amongst other topics.
               See HERE for further definitions.
               See HERE for Celestial images.
11th Oct' 07 - Mike G4BQF - Marine band radios.
               Click HERE For More
 4th Oct' 07 - Junk Sale
27th Sep' 07 - Pt1 The history of Jaguar (DVD)
               Pt2 Tips and Tricks - continued
               Click HERE For More.
               Steve G0KVZ
20th Sep' 07 - Barry G7KCO - P.A. systems.
               An insight into public broadcast
               /narrowcast systems.
13th Sep' 07 - Roy G3ASH - Submarine Cables.
               Roy gave an interesting talk about the 2400
               line analogue Submarine telephone cables
               that traverse the Atlantic.
               Followed by a Video produced by The ICPC, 
               entitled: "The catch that no-one wants"
 6th Sep' 07 - Junk Sale
30th Aug' 07 - No club meeting
23rd Aug' 07 - Pt 1 - John G4XTS 
               Battery and Motor developments
               Comparisons between Cyclon, Lead acid, 
               NiCad, NiMH, and LiPo batteries, and Brush,
               Brushless, and Outrun motors.
               Pt 2 - Robin G3JWI
               A talk about the design and Practical 
               details of building an antenna balun.
               Pt 3 - Mick G4EPU
               a talk about the research, construction 
               and use of a low-cost Bat detector.
16th Aug' 07 - Pt 1 - George G8CUN
               Display and talk about The R1147, a clever 
               navigation beacon.
               Pt 2 - Steve G0KVZ
               Tips and Tricks 'A' to 'E'
               Click HERE For More.
 9th Aug' 07 - Video - Jack G0SIV
               Coal House Fort - A 1995 Event
               Click HERE For More.
 2nd Aug' 07 - Junk Sale
26th Jul' 07 - Pt 1 - George G8CUN
               Two beautifully preserved WW2 German 
               Airborne Radios.
               Click HERE For More.
               Pt 2 - Mike G4BQF 
               A 'round robin' discussion about the 
               various aerials that the members have used 
               over the years.
               Examples included - Simple dipoles, Stacked
               dipoles, R7 Vertical, Hustler, G5RV, Cubic-
               quad, Hatley VHF, Kites Long wires, 
               and even a tree!
19th Jul' 07 - Pt 1 - George G8CUN
               Manpack #38 HF Radio.
               7.3 - 9 MHz, 200mW Out,
               285KHz IF, Range 2 - 15 Miles.
               Class D No 1 Wavemeter
               Pt 2 - Mike G4BQF
               Gave a report on the AGM of the
               Vintage & Military ARS
12th Jul' 07 - Undersea Cables - by Roy G3ASH.
               A very interesting presentation.
               Links to presentation to follow.
 5th Jul' 07 - Junk Sale
28th Jun' 07 - The R107 Receiver 
               Talk by Mike G4BQF
               Click HERE For More.
21st Jun' 07 - Ultimate microscopy, Steve G0KVZ
               Click HERE for more.
14th Jun' 07 - No club meeting.
 7th Jun' 07 - Junk Sale
31st May  07 - The real flying Saucers, DVD showing how 
               developments in German WW2 weapons
               technology utilising the coanda effect,
               paved the way for flying saucer research. 
               With an interesting insight into Skoda 
               Steve, G0KVZ
24th May  07 - Bert - WiFi & Health
               A little sensationalist, but a thought 
               provoking video, showing differing views on
               the health risks of wireless networks.
17th May  07 - General Natter Night
10th May  07 - Marconi TF2700 - Mike G4BQF
               Mike gave a demonstration of this super LCR
               Very useful for components for filters, 
               traps and crossovers, etc. 
 3rd May  07 - Junk Sale
26th Apr' 07 - The Secret War Vid' George G8CUN
               1. Battle of the beams.
               2. To see for a hundred miles.
19th Apr' 07 - The Archemedes Screw Pump - Bert 
12th Apr' 07 - Steam trains DVD - Peter G7JRK
 5th Apr' 07 - Junk Sale
29th Mar' 07 - Wireless networking, Mike G1KOT
               History of networking, and
               lots of useful security tips.
22nd Mar' 07 - Radiography, Barry G7KCO
15th Mar' 07 - Plugs & Sockets, Mike G4BQF 
               Members brought along Misc Plugs & Sockets 
               from their Spares boxes, for a discussion 
               about connectors, and their uses.
 8th Mar' 07 - CQ100 by Mike G1KOT
               A great new 'radio' comm's mode. using VOIP
               technology, to emulate an amateur 
               conversation over the internet.
               For more information See: QSONET.
 1st Mar' 07 - Junk Sale
22nd Feb' 07 - A.G.M.
15th Feb' 07 - General natter nite.
               CQ100 to Caravans
 8th Feb' 07 - The Club Members had planned to attend the 
               RPF Communications Product launch - 
               Unfortunately, due to adverse wx, this was 
               cancelled. (Re-scheduled for 22nd Feb)
 1st Feb' 07 - Junk Sale.
25th Jan' 07 - Hydroponic gardening - Bert
               Growing abundant crops without using soil.
               Bert displayed some of the hardware, and 
               discussed hydroponic gardening.
               Materials available from:
               Greenhouse Sensation.
               GroTech Online.
18th Jan' 07 - The NATO Phonetic Alphabet. 
               Steve G0KVZ
               Click HERE for more.
11th Jan' 07 - Domino rally - Video (Bert)
                  ~~~~   followed by  ~~~~
               Journey Together  (George G8CUN)
               A story dedicated to the Few who 
               trained the many. (Video - 1946)
 4th Jan' 07 - Junk Sale
28th Dec' 06 - No club meeting
21st Dec' 06 - No club meeting
14th Dec' 06 - Christmas Buffet
 7th Dec' 06 - Peter G7JRK 
               A visit to Switzerland.
               Spectacular views of Switzerland
               And their varied rail system. 
30th Nov' 06 - Mike G4BQF Hosted a round table
               discussion about TV Standards,
               and developments. (inc' HDTV)
               Plus Loudspeaker design (BOSE)
23rd Nov' 06 - Website Design - Steve G0KVZ
               Make your own site the easy way.
               (website design for beginners, 
                and budding webmasters.)
16th Nov' 06 - Junk Sale
 9th Nov' 06 - HD TV - Mike G4BQF.
               Information about the new HDTV
               Up to 5 times more detail.
               Two systems are offered:
                * 720 Line Progressive 
                  - best for Fast action
                * 1080 Line Interlaced
                  - better detail

              + Christmas Buffet planning 
 2nd Nov' 06 - Kinetic Avionic SBS-1  
               Mike G1KOT
               Click HERE for more.   
26th Oct' 06 - Drakeline Radio kit
               Click HERE for more.   
19th Oct' 06 - Junk Sale
12th Oct' 06 - RTTY - Mike G1KOT
               (Details to follow)  
 5th Oct' 06 - Bandwidth - Mike G4BQF
               Based on mike's experience with the 
               5MHz NOV.
28th Sep' 06 - Airborne Radar - George G8CUN
               A display and talk, covering Monica, that 
               was developed for use on the vulnerable 
               Lancasters and operated at 200-220 MHz to
               the later RCA equipment, APS-13
               (operating around 420MHz)
21st Sep' 06 - Junk Sale 
14th Sep' 06 - General Gossip 
               Batteries to Boat parts               
 7th Sep' 06 - Jack G0SIV gave a talk and demonstration of
               2 reel-to-reel tape recorders, that he has 
               recently restored.
               Plus an Impromptu Mini Junk sale
               held by Mike G4BQF
31st Aug' 06 - Museum Archives - Mike G4BQF
               An open discussion that also covered the 
               5MHz N.O.V. renewal procedure, M3 license 
               amendments and a general chat on Museums.
24th Aug' 06 - Junk Sale.
17th Aug' 06 - Hearing loops / Assisted hearing
               Barry G7KCO
               Click HERE for more.   
10th Aug' 06 - General Natter Nite
               Reel to reel tape recorders, Broadband 
               routers & Minimum equipment to fulfil BR68 
               requirements. Plus More...
 3rd Aug' 06 - Peter G7JRK
               Midi interface, & Audio Demo'
               Using a PC, and a dedicated
               midi player (Rowland MT90s) 
               See Wikipedia.org (midi)
               See Pianola.com
               Click HERE For interface cct.
27th Jul' 06 - No Meeting
20th Jul' 06 - General Natter Nite
               Software radio, & Misc'
13th Jul' 06 - Steve G0KVZ - Colours of Noise
               Click HERE For more.
 6th Jul' 06 - Mike G4BQF 
               Semiconductors and heatsinks.
29th Jun' 06 - Junk Sale
22nd Jun' 06 - Alan Dower Blumlein - A great forgotten 
               British inventor, who was responsible for 
               128 patents.
               Click HERE for presentation.  
               Barry G7KCO
15th Jun' 06 - Nikola Tesla - The forgotten genius. 
               (The real father of radio)
               Click HERE for more. 
               Steve G0KVZ
 8th Jun' 06 - Bert - Portable Satellite gear
               A brilliant little portable satellite dish
               and receiver with 2500 channels. as sold by
               Lidl at under £70 !
 1st Jun' 06 - Junk Sale
25th May  06 - Video / DVD - Peter G7JRK
18th May  06 - Jack G0SIV - Antique Radios
               A display of Antique Radios & Gramophones. 
               Carefully restored by Jack.
               Click HERE For More.
11th May  06 - Mike G4BQF - Talk 
               Racal RA98, Radio block diagram, & Final 
               installation of multi-fuel Stove
 4th May  06 - Junk Sale
27th Apr' 06 - Components - Mike G4BQF
20th Apr' 06 - Peter G7JRK
               The Golden Section (Ratio)
               How it appears in nature, and is pleasing 
               to the eye. Also how The Golden ratio is 
               linked to the Fibonicci sequence.
               (Also spelt Fibonacci)  
               Click HERE For an explanation.
               (Needs Shockwave Flash)   
               Try HERE For a text explanation. 
13th Apr' 06 - Jack G0SIV
               Photography & PC's - Discussion
               Covering: Printing and repairing
               Cut, Copy and paste. Quality of 
               Printing paper, Sharpening, and 
               Soft focus. 
 6th Apr' 06 - Junk Sale
30th Mar' 06 - Mike G4BQF
               Latest project - Update
               A linear amplifier for a No 19 -
               set. Using parts from a donor
               FTdx401 Tranciever. 
23rd Mar' 06 - Mike G4BQF
               Shack practicalities -
               selection and installation of
               a multi-fuel heater
16th Mar' 06 - ADSL & DRM - Robin G3JWI
               Broadband technology
               and Digital Radio Mondial.
               Click HERE for notes.  

               * For Broadband connection *
               * Speed Test - Click Here! * 
 9th Mar' 06 - Junk Sale
 2nd Mar' 06 - Road data systems - Bert
               A talk explaining the features and uses of
               Road Data Systems.
               These ingenious little devices warn the 
               driver about speed cameras, accident 
               blackspots, and other hazards, they 
               utilise GPS technology, but may soon be 
               outlawed in this country, as they are in 
               much of europe.
23rd Feb' 06 - Annual General meeting
16th Feb' 06 - Airwave Radio System -
               Barry G7KCO
               A very enlightening talk about the new 
               radio communication system, based on TETRA
               that is being introduced for the Universal 
               emergency services.
 9th Feb' 06 - Junk Sale
 2nd Feb' 06 - Linear Amplifier - Mike G4BQF
26th Jan' 06 - 2000 Horses.-  DVD and Talk 
               Steve G0KVZ
19th Jan' 06 - Roy G3ASH - Line Finders
12th Jan' 06 - Junk Sale 
             - A good event. Test gear and more
 5th Jan' 06 - 19 Set Update - Mike G4BQF
               (The linear amplifier and more)
29th Dec' 05 - No Club meeting
22nd Dec' 05 - No Club meeting
15th Dec' 05 - Christmas buffet
 8th Dec' 05 - Pre Christmas Natter & 
               Finalise buffet arrangements.
 1st Dec' 05 - Junk Sale
24th Nov' 05 - Transistor Tester - Roy G3ASH
               A novel, and simple transistor-tester, that
               utilises the same meter to display leakage,
               and gain, without switches. And the ability
               to measure NPN & PNP devices.
               Click HERE for info.
17th Nov' 05 - Discussion 
               re: Buffet Arrangements
10th Nov' 05 - Windmills - Film
               An interesting film & discussion by Bert, 
               about the latest Windmills (Inverters) 
               The worlds first green energy company is
               Visit their site for more info.
 3rd Nov' 05 - Junk Sale
27th Oct' 05 - Bring your own Morse keys.
               Mike G4BQF invites members to bring along 
               and discuss their Morse keys and morse 
               related anecdotes.
               Note: for Morse Aficionados
                     And Those just learning:
                     See the Morse Resource.  
                     (Linked from Intro page)
20th Oct' 05 - CCTV Demo - latest equipment.
               Colin G1MPG demonstrated some  High quality
               cameras, and Ancillary equipment to 
               facilitate visual inspection of underground
13th Oct' 05 - The Ex-WD No19 Set - Mike G4BQF
               Features, Principles, and uses.
               Incl' the vehicles these were fitted to.
 6th Oct' 05 - Junk Sale
29th Sep' 05 - Lev Termin - Barry G7KCO gave a fascinating
               talk about this Russian Inventor.
               The Theremin. 
22nd Sep' 05 - General Natter Nite.
               Wireless networking, Swiss trains and more.
15th Sep' 05 - General Natter Nite.
 8th Sep' 05 - Junk Sale
 1st Sep' 05 - General Natter Nite.
25th Aug' 05 - No Club meeting.
               Next Junk sale 8th September.
18th Aug' 05 - General Natter nite.
               Including personal tales and tips about 
11th Aug' 05 - The evolution of The Hybrid
               Yaesu Tranceivers. FT400, 401,
               & FT101 - Mike G4BQF 
 4th Aug' 05 - FT7 Repair & KW E-Z Match ATU
               Mike G4BQF
28th Jul' 05 - Junk Sale
               Future Junk sales will normally
               be held every Four weeks.
21st Jul' 05 - Peter G7JRK - Railway & Pathe-News DVD's.
14th Jul' 05 - Weather Satellite Demonstration
               by Bert
               A demonstration of the advanced
               GSM1 weather satellite system, 
               that produces incredible images
               from space.
 7th Jul' 05 - Antenna / tuning Units, 
               Mike G4BQF
               Principles, Designs & Models.
               Designs spanning the last
               forty years.
               Plus discussion on alternative
               designs - 
               see Don G3VCG website.
30th Jun' 05 - Junk Sale.
23rd Jun' 05 - Program planning & 
               General natter night.
               From Tar to Telephones.
16th Jun' 05 - Licencing & RAE, Past & Present
               Mike G4BQF - facts and memories
               from early licencing conditions
               to the current proposals.
 9th Jun' 05 - The Hubble telescope. 
               Its fifteen years of achievement
               DVD - 80 mins approx
               Steve - G0KVZ
 2nd Jun' 05 - Junk sale & Book Auction
26th May  05 - De-commissioning VHF Aerial
               & Book auction
19th May  05 - Book Auction & General Natter
12th May  05 - Mike G4BQF - The TDF Tranceiver
               A clandestine tranciever designed by a team 
               of UK - Amateurs, For the use of The
               English Resistance during WWII
               It is believed that this radio utilised a 
               'hybrid' modulation system that rendered 
               its output unreadable to normal radios.
 5th May  05 - No Club, National Election day
28th Apr' 05 - Discussion re: Change of Club 
               Venue - It was decided by a  Majority vote, 
               to change our club meeting hall.
               Click here for details
21st Apr' 05 - Guest Speaker - Bob G3SVK
               Top band in the 1960's
               Anecdotes from Bobs activities
               ranging from a prime location 
               in The Shetland isles to his 
               trips around England.
14th Apr' 05 - Video - Bob
               Reaching for the skies:
               A history of high performance light aircraft
 7th Apr' 05 - Junk Sale
31st Mar' 05 - SP600 Receiver - Mike G4BQF
24th Mar' 05 - Auto' Vehicle Location - Bert
               An overview of the current systems available
               to Individuals and the Public services.
17th Mar' 05 - No Meeting - St Pattricks day
                            Mine's a Guinness
10th Mar' 05 - Your earliest memory
               From Autocycles to WWII
 3rd Mar' 05 - Junk Sale
24th Feb' 05 - Annual General Meeting
17th Feb' 05 - G4BQF - Clip on meters / PSU
10th Feb' 05 - Video - Bob - 
               a documentary showing American enthusiasts
               displaying and demonstrating Modern and 
               Historic machine guns.
 3rd Feb' 05 - Junk Sale
27th Jan' 05.
20th Jan' 05 - Mike G4BQF - DX70 Tranciever,
               Power supply, Hall effect devices
13th Jan' 05 - Peter G7JRK - Railway Video
 6th Jan' 05 - Junk sale.
30th Dec' 04 - No Meeting
23rd Dec' 04 - No Meeting
16th Dec' 04 - Christmas Buffet
               (Bring along your partners)
 9th Dec' 04 - Bob G3IUC
               P38 Fighter
 2nd Dec' 04 - Junk Sale
25th Nov' 04 - Roy G3ASH - Slide rules:
               their history, Use, and Functions. 
18th Nov' 04 - Barry G7KCO
               Gamma correction of Photographic Images. 
11th Nov' 04 - G4LUE Dick House, 
               Talk about Adhesives. (From lollies to lids)
 4th Nov' 04 - Junk Sale
28th Oct' 04 - Informal Technical natter nite -
               * Photographic Gamma correction 
               * Antenna tuning Units
21st Oct' 04 - Bert - Extreme Weather.
               Huricanes, Cyclones or Typhoons
               Causes, and Naming conventions. 
14th Oct' 04 - Mike G4BQF - Samuel And Hutton
               Wobbulator, A Robust Ex WD piece
               of classic test equipment.
 7th Oct' 04 - Junk Sale
30th Sep' 04 - GPS - Owners demonstration.
23rd Sep' 04 - Alec - Home built Receiver
16th Sep' 04 - Ray G3IOI - Automatic ATU
20th May  04 - Lancaster Bombers
 6th May  04 - Junk Sale
22nd Apr' 04 - Bert - Video 
15th Apr' 04 - Amplifiers
 8th Apr' 04 - Frequency Counters
 1st Apr' 04 - Junk Sale
25th Mar' 04 - Peter G7JRK - Talk
18th Mar' 04 - Sid M1DFC - Fraser Nash Sports-
11th Mar' 04 - Roy G3ASH - Sub Atlantic Cables
 4th Mar' 04 - Junk Sale
20th Feb' 04 - Peter G7JRK - Talk
13th Feb' 04 - Roy G3ASH - 
               Clearing a monitor fault
 6th Feb' 04 - Junk Sale
30th Jan' 04 - Barry G7KCO - Talk
23rd Jan' 04 - Your most interesting QSO
16th Jan' 04 - Wartime memorabilia 
 9th Jan' 04 - Robin G3JWI - Talk
 2nd Jan' 04 - Junk Sale
26th Dec' 03 - NO CLUB
19th DEC' 03 - NO CLUB
 4th Dec' 03 - Junk Sale
20th Nov' 03 - Mk 123 Spy Set
 6th Nov' 03 - Junk Sale
 4th Sep' 03 - Junk Sale
23rd Jan' 03 - Steve, G0KVZ. - Presentation.
               The internet and beyond.
 1st Aug' 02 - Junk Sale
25th Jul' 02 - Jim G1YAH - Talk
18th Jul' 02 - Barry G7KCO - 
               Digital Photography
11th Jul' 02 - 2mtr Station on the Air
 4th Jul' 02 - Junk Sale
27th Jun' 02 - Roy G3ASH - Talk
20th Jun' 02 - Roy G3ASH - Ironbridge film
13th Jun' 02 - Peter G7JRK - Talk
 6th Jun' 02 - Junk Sale
30th May  02 - Arrangements for the Golden -
23rd May  02 - Ray G3IOI - Satellite
16th May  02 - Jim G1YAH - 
               Special Sale of good equipment.
 9th May  02 - Robin G3JWI and Rene - 
               Hand Bells (Campanology)
25th Apr' 02 - John M0ELS - Talk
18th Apr' 02 - Mike G4BQF - Talk
11th Apr' 02 - Bert - Film
 4th Apr' 02 - Junk Sale
28th Mar' 02 - Discussion on Golden Jubilee
EMC Update. Robin. G3JWI
24th Aug' 00 - Programme Planning.               
17th Aug' 00 - International Space Station Pt2
10th Aug' 00 - Talk. Peter. G7JRK
 3rd Aug' 00 - Junk Sale
27th Jul' 00 - Scanners Barry G4KCO
20th Jul' 00 - Analogue Meters Roy G3ASH
               Please bring yours along
13th Jul' 00 - Talk Mike G4BQF
 6th Jul' 00 - Junk Sale
29th Jun' 00 - CCTV New Technology Colin G1MPG
22nd Jun' 00 - Bert - Interesting talk
15th Jun' 00 - T Gilbey, Talk on antennas
 8th Jun' 00 - G3JWI - Interesting talk on propagation, 
               all questions answered.
25th May  00 - Talk by Mr H. Webb
               (Test Manager)
18th May  00 - Glue (Matchstick) G0ULU
11th May  00 - Websites. G3ASH & G4NVT
 4th May  00 - No Club - Local Elections
27th Apr' 00 - Space Shuttle. Bert
20th Apr' 00 - Easter Buffet
13th Apr' 00 - Station on the Air
 6th Apr' 00 - Junk Sale
30th Mar' 00 - Scanners. Barry G7KCO
23rd Mar' 00 - Negative Feedback. Peter G7JRK
16th Mar' 00 - Hubble Video. Bert
10/11 Mar 00 - Picketts Lock
 9th Mar' 00 - UI View G1EUC
 2nd Mar' 00 - Junk Sale
24th Feb' 00 - AGM
17th Feb' 00 - Programme Planning
10th Feb' 00 - QSL Bureau. Mike G4NVT
 3rd Feb' 00 - Junk Sale
27th Jan' 00 - Lightning. Robin G3JWI
20th Jan' 00 - Talk - Roy G3ASH
13th Jan' 00 - Renovation of old equipment.
               Mike G4BQF
 6th Jan' 00 - Junk Sale
30th Dec' 99 - NO CLUB.
23rd Dec' 99 - NO CLUB.
16th Dec' 99 - Christmas Buffet.
 9th Dec' 99 - No record.
 2nd Dec' 99 - Junk Sale
25th Nov '99 - Club visit to Telewest
               (Call Centre & Headend)
18th Nov '99 - (Club) Finance Discussion.
                Roy G3ASH
 4th Nov '99 - Junk Sale.
28th Oct' 99 - Tricks and dodges with coaxial-
               cable. - John Reyn
               Visiting Speaker.
21st Oct' 99 - Antennas Tony Gilbey.
               Visiting Speaker.
14th Oct' 99 - Glues & Solvents - G0OLU
               Dick House - Visiting Speaker.
 7th Oct' 99 - Junk Sale.
30th Sep' 99 - Packet Radio - Clive.
23rd Sep' 99 - Web Sites - Roy G1YAH
16th Sep' 99 - London Ring Main - Jim G1YAH
 9th Sep' 99 - Film
 2nd Sep' 99 - Junk Sale
26th Aug' 99 - Discussion - Roy G3ASH
19th Aug' 99 - Film - Incident during the war at
               Slapton Sands in Devon.
12th Aug' 99 - Visit from the Essex Repeater Gp
 5th Aug' 99 - Junk sale
29th Jul' 99 - Unusual Equipment 
               Bring yours along.
22nd Jul' 99 - Crime Prevention
15th Jul' 99 - RSGB RLO -  Malcolm Salmon G3XVV
 8th Jul' 99 - Programme Planning
 1st Jul' 99 - Junk Sale
24th Jun' 99 - Talk by Robin G3JWI
17th Jun' 99 - Packet Radio (Visiting Guest)
10th Jun' 99 - No Club Due to European Elections
 3rd Jun' 99 - Junk Sale
27th May  99 - Natter Nite
20th May  99 - Oscilloscopes G3ASH
13th May  99 - Video
 6th May  99 - No Club due to Council Electons
29th Apr' 99 - Module Unit Construction - Bert
22nd Apr' 99 - Demonstration of Linux. G3ASH
15th Apr' 99 - Visit by the Cubs
 8th Apr' 99 - Easter Buffet
 1st Apr' 99 - Junk Sale
25th Mar' 99 - Progress of Mike's Shack
 3rd Sep' 95
      to     - VARS Radio Rally
 2nd Sep' 95
28th Jul' 94 - Roy G3ASH Demonstration
              'How it Works - Infra Red'
21st Jul' 94 - Roy G3ASH - Talk 
               'Computer Memories'



